Black Women Healing Retreats



Written by LeAndra Williams

For many years, Black Women have suffered through depression, anxiety, and PTSD, among other physical, mental, and emotional trauma. For years, Black Women have been taught to “pray” our hurt away, to sex our pain away, or to drink our pain away. Throughout history, we’ve seen countless remedies from natural to pharmaceutical that claim to help alleviate these daily pains from our lives. Although there are countless remedies out there, I have yet to find one full-proof way of eliminating these painful symptoms, until now. I am here to not only tell you how crystals changed my life, but also how the benefits of crystal healing could be the secret weapon to your freedom.

In case you didn’t know, the benefits of crystal healing have been recognized for millions of years! The first historical reference to the use of crystals comes from the Ancient Sumerians, who included crystals in magic formulas. The Ancient Egyptians used Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Carnelian, Emerald, and Clear Quartz for eye shadow and jewelry. Crystals have also been used in Eastern and Asian societies, as well as here in the U.S. Each crystal has its meaning, and whichever crystal speaks to you the most, is most likely the one you need the most. For example, when I first began collecting crystals, I’ve always loved the Citrine crystal. Never understanding why, but becoming obsessed with its bright orange color and clouds of white that surround its warmth; I couldn’t keep my eyes or hands off it. Then I found out its benefits, and I knew the benefits of crystal healing were the real deal. The Citrine crystal stimulates mental power and helps one to focus. Citrine also brings about happiness, joy, and positivity in life by eliminating negative energies and vibes.

At the time that I came across the Citrine stone, I was in a very dark place. I hated my job, my boyfriend had recently broken up with me, and I have suffered from depression since I was thirteen years old. Once I read what the Citrine stone was going to help me with, I knew these crystals were just what I needed to heal every part of myself. Healing Crystals are not only beautiful but they are also natural healers. Crystals can help with stomach pains, headaches, joint aches, and other physical issues. The benefitsof crystal healing extend to emotional and mental trauma as well. To heal, one would need to learn positive affirmations, mantras, and a healing moon ritual; to not only cleanse your crystals but also put your positive energy and manifestations into them. What you do is collect all your crystals and cleanse them with either a Singing Bowl, A Smudge Stick (Sage), or soap and water. You repeat a mantra of your choice for cleaning and allowing you the opportunity to place your positive energy within them. Then you hold your crystals in your hand, close your eyes, and speak what you’d like to manifest or how you’d like the crystals to benefit you. This is not witchcraft; this is strictly working with good, pure energy. To charge your crystals, you’ll then place them in direct sunlight or moonlight. This charges and brings true power to your crystals. Some leave their crystals overnight or throughout an entire 24-hour period. There’s no wrong amount of time to charge your crystals, and if ever in doubt, the internet has everything you need to put you on track. Crystals also come in many different forms. There’s the Raw version (which is untouched by mankind), Tumbled (touched and smoothed to perfection), jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, rings, ankle bracelets, earrings, etc.), Yoni Eggs for our vagina, and wands for overall body healing. I know crystals are very new and strange for some people, especially in the Black community. However, I am living proof that with meditation, journaling, therapy, and crystals, we can all experience the benefits of crystal healing. We are all capable of manifesting a life that’s beyond our wildest dreams. Once you heal the hurt on the inside and embrace the benefits of crystal healing, you’re unstoppable! Go and seek crystals, and I promise you it’ll be worth it!

For more details and info, Please Contact Us Now!

Leandra Williams is a 29 year old full time student in Louisville, Kentucky. Currently a senior attending Spalding University, majoring in Social Work; with a minor in Addiction Studies. She has a passion for healing and self-care and has dedicated her work to it.

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