Black Women Healing Retreats

Workshop Facilitator Application

Workshop Application Black Women Healing Retreats

Thank you for your interest in teaching a workshop at Black Women Healing Retreats!

Be sure to complete both parts of this application. Your application must be filled out on this form, we do not accept applications that are not filled out on this form.

Black Women Healing Retreats has a virtual community and we also host retreats! This application is to teach at one of our retreats and to our virtual membership community via zoom.

If you are interested in teaching more than one workshop, then you must complete a separate application for each workshop.

Workshop Facilitator Application

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In the following section, please provide a detailed plan for the organization of your entire workshop. Please be specific about your methods, tools, ideas, and teaching philosophies.
Please provide a timetable agenda of the workshop/ women’s circle. Include the time you would want it to begin and end. Fill in the time slot with as much detail as possible. Think of this as a mini lesson plan.

Please Note: As this is a retreat and virtual community for black women we want to make sure everything that we possibly can be rooted in blackness. If you are implementing anything from other cultures that these ideas must align with afro-centric spirituality.

Black Women Healing Retreats

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